Sparklepony starts by logging in with her Last.fm account.
She lands on a page that asks her what she's most interested in in a concert. She selects the "artist" option.
She's taken to a page that displays a graph of the artists she listens to on last.fm. Artists on tour have the date of their Boston concert displayed. Sliders on the right allow her to display information about the certain criteria (price, date, age restrictions) by coloring nodes on the graph. She drags several concerts she finds interesting to the sidebar.
She then notices that she can filter the selected concerts further by clicking the "explore these by friends" option at the bottom of the sidebar.
She’s taken to a page that displays the concerts she’s displayed interest in. These concerts are displayed on a multimap matched with friends who might be interested. Selecting a friend highlights all of the concerts that they’re interested in, and selecting a concert highlights interested friends.
Looking at the concerts and her friends, she notices that Danger Rodent likes the Smith Nothings. She’s almost decided now. She clicks on the Smith Nothings, which takes her to the concert page.
At the concert page, she’s most interested in the venue. She follows that link to learn more.
The venue information is displayed. The Brighton Music Hall is a medium-sized venue, with standing room only. Perfect! She’s decided, and can now email her friend and purchase tickets.
The coloring for date filtering isn't quite right. I'm bad at tinting properly.