It is a Sunday evening, and Anand is tired and hungry, after a long weekend of partying. Anand is a sophomore at MIT. He is extremely studious. Anand wants to do psets, but he is hungry, so he decides to go to his favorite restaurant, Cinderella’s. When he arrives at the restaurant, he burdened by his homework in 6.813, and needs to start PS2 soon. He lazily contemplates doing it, until he remembers that he can't think really straight unless he is full, so he decides to go to his favorite restaurant, Cinderella’s. He is really craving some Italian food today. When he arrives at the restaurant, he is seated by the host. The sign at Cindrella's says that the restaurant is newly enrolled in, and beta-testers can open up it up on their phone. Glad he signed up to be a beta-tester a month ago, Anand does not take the traditional menu from the containers available at the side of his table and opens up on his phone as he gets ready to decide what to order.
Design 1
Motivation/Connectedness/Task Alignment of Approach: Simplicity/familiarity-driven
Design Selection: Search Bar
Scenario Part 1
Anand goes to and sees the search bar to find restaurants. He types in “Cinderella” because he does not feel like searching for the apostrophe on his mobile keyboard. Once he types in Cinderella, he is presented with a list of options. Because he is at Cindrella’s he picks it and not the other option of Cindrella Louveaunt, the French restaurant in Dorchester, MA. He is then presented with Cinderella’s main page with the menu attached to the bottom of page with several categories.
Design Selection: Checkbox approach
Scenario Part 2
Anand wants to try some new food at Cinderalla's. Today, he's in the mood for vegetarian pastaspasts. He scrolls down to the menu, and sees the filter button. He clicks on the filter button and is presented with a standard checkbox filter. The checkbox filter has two different kinds of filters to be applied: ingredient-specific and item-specific. Because he wants be presented with vegetarian options (since he is vegetarian), he checks the vegetarian box. Next, he wants only pastas to appear. Currently, the item-specific box is checked All so all items appear. He unchecks All, and then checks Pasta-only, so only pasta’s appear. Then, he hits the back button, and return to the menu.