These are the emails that are sent to the event creator and invitees upon creation of a new lunch event. The invitee email contains a hyperlink from the word "here" to a details page (8) and the admin email contains a hyperlink from the words "admin page" to a similar details page (9).
Picture 8 and 9:
The Invitee and Admin links contain all details about the event as specified by the creator of the event. In the case that more than one location has been suggested, a poll is displayed for each attendee to participate in once they have committed to going to the event by clicking "Join". It is assumed that the admin is attending the event.
Invitees may choose to "Join" a lunch, after which the user may vote and the details page will display a "Remove Myself" button. If a user chooses to leave the event by clicking this button, their vote becomes void. Admins may choose to edit and event, delete it, or confirm a location. If any of these options are selected, the updated information is emailed to the other invitees.
When users vote, a progress bar type image next to each of the choices is updated. For example when Anjali opens the admin page in picture 9, the bars are empty, but when Michael opens his details page after Anjali has voted for Taco Time, the bar indicates one vote for that location.
Picture 10:
At the time specified by the event admin, a reminder email is sent to all attendees(those who have "join"ed the event).
Design #1 Analysis: