Initially, the display shows four restaurants in their nearby surroundings with limited information about each restaurant - a name, general rating, distance, and a few menu options. From these choices, the one that seems least appealing can be swiped off, producing another query result. For example, out of the four displayed options, Subway seems the be the least attractive, I will just swipe it off the screen and see what else the application suggests. At any point in this process, the user may also click on the restaurant of their choice to see a more detailed report on the establishment.
After looking through a few different options, the user is please with his choice of four restaurants, and now has decided on two that he want to examine further. If at any point the user swipes two options off the screen at the same time, the resulting comparison will only look at the remaining two options. Another method is to slide two different restaurants into one other, announcing that the user wants to compare those particular two restaurants.
This step provides a more detailed comparison between the two remaining choices. Between these two options, the user can again use the same method before, and swipe off the eliminated options, thereby leaving the choice for dinner. Additional choices can also be to click on the selected choice, at which point that will application will interpret it as the user's choice.
Once a choice has been made, the application displays a step by step directional map to guide the user to their designation. This page will be displayed with other information about the restaurant, such as phone number, the entire menu, as well as photos of the establishment.
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