Later that day, Stephen receives a message from someone claiming to be on Team Pullman. He asks to establish a secure messaging connection with Stephen, which Stephen agrees to. The other person turns out to be Tom Duffy, campaign manager of Team Pullman, and he suspiciously suggests that Stephen ought to consider working for Team Pullman instead of Team Morris. Stephen does not like where the conversation is heading, and decides to end the conversation. He also erases any record of the conversation occurring and removes Tom as a contact, to ensure that no trace of the conversation can be found.
Design 1
Task #1
First, in order to establish a secure connection, Stephan meets with Team Morris and shares his identity. He does this by going to his Contacts panel and clicking share.
Learnability: Most potential users will be familiar with QR codes so this screen shouldn't pose a learnability problem. As the key looks like a serial number under a bar code, the user should pick this out as a numerical representation of the QR code.
Efficiency: QR codes are extreamely extremely efficient as the user only needs to take a picture of it.
Each member of team morris goes to his or her contacts panel and clicks Add. When they do so, they are shown the following:
They all , click By QR code Codem and are taken to a standard QR code reader. The contact is then added.
Learnability: Again, most users are familiar with QR codes so adding by QR code should be easy. Sadly, many users are also familiar with entering software activation keys and shouldn't have a problem entering the key manually if they need to.
Efficiency: QR Codes are efficient.
Safety: There are two potential safety problems: the user could be tricked into adding the wrong contact or fail to enter they key correctly. Dealing with the former is beyond the scope of this application and the latter can be dealt with by including error detection in the key.
To share To give Stephan their contact information,
Design 2
Task #1
Storyboard | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
| Pros: The look and feel mimics the standard | Pros: Key Server enables contacts to be | Pros: Multiple graphical cues suggest that a contact |
| Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |
Storyboard | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
| Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |
Unsecure Chat Window|confluence/download/attachments/82324422/photo3.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1331520439531||||||\ | Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |