Design 1 focuses on providing data to an user for they can better decide what restaurant to choose from. The overall purpose of the application is to provide a canvas for the user to eliminate choices as they to help them narrow down places to eat in a relatively close distance. Starting with more choices, our goal is to provide the user with enough information to narrow a choice from 4 many different restaurants into eventually 1. As we progress to less choices, more and more information will be provided such as detailed reviews and full menus. The idea behind this approach is that users do not needed a lot of information to narrow down initial choices, but as the choices become more difficult, the application provides them with more information to make a better informed decision.
Once a choice has been made, the application displays a step by step directional map to guide the user to their designation. This page will be displayed with other information about the restaurant, such as phone number, the entire menu, as well as photos of the establishment.
*Learnability: * Elimination is a common technique for making choices. Given a certain set of decisions, a person initial instinct is to quickly get rid of choices that are not appealing. Learnability for this particular app follows the same idea. As a user eliminates choices for a restaurant, he can just "wipe" it off the screen. This motion is used throughout the entirety of the experience. As a result, the interaction with our interface is an intuitive way for users to eliminate choices consistant with the way they perform a similar task otherwise.
Efficiency: Presenting essential information at each particular stage of the elimination process is the key to the efficiency of this design. At our initial level of comparison, our application hopes to provide enough information for a user to eliminate a few of the choices. Later on, as choices are more limited, more information is provided for the user. In the entire searching process, the user rarely needs to navigate between screens to make a decision.
*Safety: * A center MenuMe button helps the user navigate through previously swiped options, thereby allowing the user to backtrack through previous choices. Furthermore, additional back buttons will also allow the user to retrace their steps as they look into the menu and location.