First, in order to establish a secure connection, Stephan meets with Team Morris and shares his identity. He does this by going to his Contacts panel and clicking share.
Learnability: The "share" action is somewhat ambiguous and may confuse new users (the user may wonder what they are sharing). The use of the standard contacts list should help learnability.
Efficiency: Adding and sharing contact information from the same panel groups temporally related operations and helps make them more efficient.
Safety: The are no unsafe actions available from this screen.
This brings up a Stephan's QR code along with his key. Users can manually enter the key or take a picture of the QR code. In this scenario, Stephan prints out the ID page and passes it around to the other members of Team Morris (the lock button is provided in case the user wants to pass around his or her phone).
: Most potential users will be familiar with QR codes so this screen shouldn't pose a learnability problem. As the key looks like a serial number under a bar code, the user should pick this out as a numerical representation of the QR code.
Efficiency: QR codes are extreamely efficient as the user only needs to take a picture of it.
Safety: If an attacker takes a picture of this QR code or writes down the key, it could allow them to attempt a fishing attack (as seen in this scenario).
Each member of team morris goes to his or her contacts panel and clicks Add. When they do so, they are shown the following:
They all click By QR code and are taken to a standard QR code reader. The contact is then added. To give Stephan their contact information,
Task #2
Task #3
Design 2
Task #1
Storyboard | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
| Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |
| Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |
Storyboard | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
| Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |
Unsecure Chat Window|confluence/download/attachments/82324422/photo3.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1331520439531|||\ | Pros: | Pros: | Pros: |