We came up with 3 designs for our interface: the first runs you through a wizard (the "wizard" interface), the second displays all the relevant information immediately (the "kitchen sink" interface), and the third allows you to progressively filter a list of selected concerts (the "static sidebars" interface).
The Wizard
Static Sidebars
Kitchen Sink
single overarching visualization for bands* user lands immediately on the band visualization
- artist page has visualizations about future prices and interested friends
- friends page has visualizations about similarity
- allows you to curate friends (subtask)
- LEARNABILITY:** all the information neccessary is presented in the home page. All you do is find the visualization that you want (eg if you’re finding a concert click concert visualization, if you’re looking for a new artist, click artist visualization). The only thing that is neccessary to “learn” is that these visualizations exist, but seeing as this is the point of the website, it is safe to assume that the user realizes concertBOS has visualizations. It is also easy for the user to learn which visualizations exist, because they all appear in the same drop down menu
- EFFICIENCY** ConcertBOS is very fast because almost all of the information is presented in the home page. The only thing that is necessary to do is click on the right visualization (so that you can find what you are looking for), then click on the band/concert/friend that you are interested in to go to their page. All the information about this band/concert/friend is listed on their page, so there should only be two pages that any user needs to visit (the home page, and the band/concert/friend which they are interested in).
Static Sidebar
Sparklepony is a vivacious young musician in the greater Boston Area. Lately, she’s felt like her work needs more depth and variety. She’s looking for something new and fresh to go to for inspiration, but
doesn’t really know where to start. Another issue is that Sparklepony is well aware that it’s important to go to concerts with a friend to have a lively discussion about the musical merits of the artist with while the experience is still fresh. She also likes having friends present in order to give her sanity checks and get another trusted person’s perspective on whether a given musical direction is a good way to go. Attending a few concerts seems to be the obvious place to start.
How does she find a concert that would be inspirational? She logs into ConcertBOS with her Last.fm account, which tracks all the music she’s been listening to. She wants something a little on the fringe of the music she plays and listens to, but still similar enough that the influence is easy to incorporate. She’s also hoping to find something that her friends are really into that she hasn’t heard yet. She collects a few concerts that sound promising with the help of the site’s artist research features.
As she goes through the concerts, she finds that fellow musician and last.fm friend Danger Rodent really enjoys a few of the bands she was considering seeing, which helps her narrow down her selections further.
An artist’s concert is only as good the venue they play in. She goes through ConcertBOS’s information about the venues, and narrows her selections down to small venues with excellent acoustics. Keeping in mind that she’s planning on attending a few concerts over the next few weeks, she tries to keep the concerts within a reasonable price range, and distance so that transportation isn’t a problem and she can fit all of them into her busy schedule. She’s found the perfect concert! With the help of ConcertBOS’s recommendations, she finally decides on The Smith Nothings.
The Wizard
Static Sidebars
Kitchen Sink
single overarching visualization for bands* user lands immediately on the band visualization
Static Sidebar