3.1 - Isamu has decided to use IvyPlusResumes to help him get ready for the career fair tomorrow. He opens his computer and goes to the IvyPlusResume's home page. He sees some text about how IvyPlusResumes will get him ready for networking. He sees a place to login, and a place to sign up for an account, so he decides to sign upenters his email and password to sign up.
3.2 - He is taken to a sign in new account page, where he enters his email address and a password, which he will use to log in from now on.
3.3 - When he hits create, he is taken to his home page. He has the ability to view past resumes by clicking on their names. Although there are currently no resume names as he has not yet made and saved any resumes. There is also a resume viewer on the page, where he will see a resume when it is clicked on. Lastly, there is a "create new resumeCreate New Resume" button, which he clicks on to create his first resume.
3.4 - He is now taken to a page which resembles a resume, except where there is usually text, there are textboxes with hints.
3.5 - He fills in these textboxes and has a form that now looks like this:
3.6 - After filling in all of the boxes, he clicks the "previewPreview" button at the bottom and gets sees a professional looking resume as follows. with his inputted information as static text.
3.7 - He notices the 4 buttons at the bottom and tries each of them. The "editEdit" button takes him back to the previous page which he can edit. The save button opens up a dialog box as follows.
He can type in a name and save his resumes. He can then view this resume from his home page under the "View past resumesPast Resumes" tab.
3.8 - Next he tries the print "Print" button, which allows him to print his resume, by opening up his computer's print dialog box. He prints his resume and is ready to go to the career fair.
3.9 - Lastly, he clicks the fourth button, the "shareShare" button. The share button allows him to open and share his resume with any email address he wants, by typing the email address he wants to share with in the dialog box and by clicking the share button.
He shares with his mom, because he is pleased with his resume, prints a few more copies, and heads off to sleep, confident now with his new career ready resume. He then logs out from the top left corner, where he can always find links to his home page or log out (when the current resume is saved, else, it takes him to the "savelogout. Logging out without first saving creates the "Save" dialog box).
-- The user should have no problem learning what to do, especially if he has a general knowledge of what a resume is supposed to look like. Every textbox contains a hint as to what information should be filled in, and since the final version looks very similar to the version being edited, there should be no surprises as to what to do.
The only issue is that the user may not know how things should be phrased in certain cases. For example, under a specific work experience, should he use phrases or sentences when explaining what he did? This is something he will have to decide for himself.
-- This design is quite efficient. The user can fill in what he wants when he want, and since the final product looks much like the input, there should be no confusion for the user as to what he wants to edit where.
The issue arises when the user wants to create a new resume. Since there is no central store of information, every time the user creates a new resume, he will have to start from scratch.
-- Since any resume can be edited at any time, the design is quite safe. However, people cannot un-share a resume once it has been shared. Also, if a user tries to logout or go home when in the middle of updating a resume, the interface will pop up the "save" dialog automatically so that work is not accidentally lost.