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| When Bob decides to create or update a filter, the screen shown in the sketch pops up. Bob can type keywords in the search bar, and also select advanced settings from the form under the search bar. Each advanced setting translates to a command language in the search bar, and selecting them from the form will enter the corresponding language text in the search bar for self-disclosure.
The item feed remains available on the screen next to this form, updating in real time with edits so Bob can preview the effects of his selection.
Once the filter is created, it becomes available in the sidebar and can be used as described in the "Read Items" entry.
A design decision to consider is whether the advanced options should be visible by default, or if they should be hidden and revealed by a "Advanced Options" link. This design chooses the former option, so the form is more visible to new users. Expert users who have learned the command language will want the form to be hidden though. Testing and prototyping will shed more light on this question.
An extreme option is to omit the advanced form altogether, but this would require an effective implementation of search that can read the user's mind as to what context they want.
| This interface is learnable, but only if the instant updates and self-disclosure features are implemented.
Bob can learn from recognition, by using the search bar the same way he would use Google Instant Search. Updating the results in real time is important, as it provides powerful high-level feedback to Bob's inputs, so he can tell if he's going the right way.
Self-disclosure of the command language is also useful and Bob can learn it as he goes along if he wants to.
| Searching by typing is efficient since it allows Bob to input his ideas without reaching for the mouse. If he learns the command language, he can become quite fast at creating filters on the spot.
It's debatable as to whether efficiency in creating filters is of high importance or just nice to have. Many users may only set up a set of filters the first time they use the application, then reuse those filters over and over, never making new ones. On the other hand, changes in information sources may prompt the need to update filters.
| Bob can undo the additions he has made to the filter by deleting the text typed in the search bar or unchecking options in the form.
If he accidentally saves the wrong filter, he still has the ability to edit it and fix the errors.