2.6 - When Isamu arrives to this page, he has finished entering the information for each category (Education, Experience, Leadership, etc.). Here, Isamu can change the order of categories and subcategories in the resume, and removes things that he does not want to show. The different panels have the affordance of dragging (encouraged via a small icon) and are easily removable, giving flexibility in reordering and selection.
2.7 - Having done all of the previous steps in this wizard-like design, Isamu is ready to see the final outcome of his work and explore his finalized resume. He can, of course, go back and change things easily. Once the resume looks complete, Isamu can enable the option of sharing it with employers and creating an electronic form of it (such as PDF)generate a PDF version for the career fair.
The wizard design is very learnable, since it goes through every step of resume construction in a detailed fashion. The user only needs to enter the specified information at each step and review entered information at later steps. In fact, the process itself provides a great source of information of how the actual resume building process works. Therefore, the wizard design involves a lot of handholding and direction for the user, which is great for users with little on no background on resume building process.