Disadvantages: Bulk tasks still require editing each individual user for either comments or changing the slider, this can be time consuming for a large amount of children for a worker.
Advantages: ___Disadvantages: ___ Undo can be provided for textbox and textarea entry, as well as the publishing of stories, etc. Similarly, most tasks can be recovered from easily, such as toggle tasks, where Dan can re-toggle an unchecked child who should be checked. From the parents' perspective, the lack of data entry means that there are very few places where errors can take place, and where recovery would be an issue. One area where mistakes can take place in both places is navigation, and as long as all navigation areas are exposed and the user can easily return to the page they intend to be on, the interface is safe.
Disadvantages: However, accidentally navigating to another page means that some data that is being worked on might be lost. For example, if the user is doing a bulk data entry, then that information is not processed until the user clicks on the "Publish" link at the end of the page. What happens if a user accidentally clicks on another link on the page before publishing? Is all of the data lost? In some modern browsers, form data is saved and can be retrieved by hitting the back button. However, we cannot count on that for all devices, and especially for non-standard form input such as sliders, or elements that are used by javascript. This is a general disadvantage of a web-based layout, but a disadvantage that can be mitigated through more careful design and iteration.