- Check in
- Pick up request
- Check in reminder setting
Design 1
Description: Traditional webapp/app for both user classes. A one-click check-in feature pops up on the child’s screen even if they are not within the application (push request) to remind them and give them the opportunity to check in.
Learnability: Requires child and parent to learn how to use a new interface. The one-click check-in feature makes it clear how to check in. The check-in schedule setup is much like that of many calendar applications, so many users will be familiar with it.
Efficiency: One click for checking in is efficient (if no more information is requested). Being able to set a regular check-in on a schedule is efficient for the parent. It is also efficient to be able to see all of the previous checkins done by a child on one screen. The parent needs to go to the application/website to see check-ins insead of getting them instantly on their phone.
Safety: Need to be editing a scheduled CheckIn event to delete it. The application doesn’t make it clear to the child that his location will be sent. The parent needs to go to the application/website to see check-ins, which means that they might not know that their child has already checked in.
Design 2
Description: Webapp/app for parent to set things, app for kid to check in, check in calls parent with recorded message. Details as in design 1 are also available on the website. There is possibly a different mode (not shown in these storyboards) where parent does not need an account, just enters own phone number, kid’s phone number, requested info, and time (or instantaneous), then gets the check-in by phone.
Learnability: Similar to design 1. A parent might be woken up unintendedly by phone call if they forget that this is what the app does. It would take less to learn how to navigate the feed, because there are fewer functions that the parent can perform.
Efficiency: Efficiency for parents may be better than in design 1 because of the check-in history as a feed instead of per-child in separate tabs, so a parent who cares about all the relevant current information will not need to switch to different areas of the UI. However, it becomes more difficult for the parent to locate the information they are looking for because there is more information in the same place. This is the only way in which the UI differs from design 1.
Safety: Parent may miss the call telling them the check-in info, though it will still be available on the site (i.e. reduces to the safety of design 1 in this case). Parent may also be disturbed while busy or woken up by the call.