Alice, Bob, and Christine are doing a research project together at MIT. They have a research paper submission in a week. After several days of struggling to get arrange meetings and failing to get the whole group together, they decide to take advantage of an app that they have, called Discover.Me, that can better facilitate their meetings.
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Alice She volunteered to setup the meeting over coffee using Discover.Me. Unfortunately, she is currently not friends with Bob on Discover.Me. She: - Opens the application
- Navigates to the “Search For Friends” screen
- Types “Bob” into the search bar and sees a list of similar names from the MIT directory
After Bob accepts the request, she decides to create the event. She: - Navigates to the “New Event” page
- Types in “Project Meeting!!!” “Coffee Meeting” into the event name field
- Sets the meeting to take place that afternoon from 2pm-4pm3pm
- Navigates to the “Invite Friends” page
- Types in Bob's name in the search bar
- Sees a list of her friends, narrowed down to names similar to “Bob”, and selects Bob
- Selects invitees to be "Bob" and "Christine".
- Sets Location.
- Sends Invitations. Repeats this process with Christine
While doing some reading, she is distracted by her phone lighting up. She: - Sees a notification that Christine requested a change to the event time
- Accepts the updated event
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Bob During a short study break he checks his phone for any new notifications. He: - Opens the application
- Sees a notification for a pending friend request
- Navigates to the “Pending Friend Request” page
- Sees that the request is from Alice and accepts her request
Later, he checks again for the event invite. He: - Navigates to the “Pending Event Request” page
- Sees the invite from Alice
- Accepts the invite, since he knows he is available
- …
- Receives updated invitation
- Accepts updated event
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Christine Having just woken up from a nap Checking her phone after a class, she decides to see if she has any notifications. She: - Opens the application
- Sees a notification for a pending event request
- Navigates to the “Pending Event Request” page
- Sees that she has been invited to “Project Meeting!!!”“Coffee Meeting”
- Navigates to her Events page to see if she is free then
- Sees a list of events she replied to
- Sees that she had accepted the invite to another project meeting, marked in green, at the same time
- Rejects Declines Alice's invite with a note suggesting to change the times of the event to be 3pm-4pm-6pm
- …
- Receives updated invitation
- Accepts updated event