Design #2 : Lunch List Browsing Interface
Picture 1:
) This window is the home page of the site. It shows the list of lunches the user has been invited to in chronological order by time of event. Each lunch event shows the most important details, namely time, place, and creator of event. They are clickable to show another page with extra details such as administrator comments, and the list of individuals who are attending. A A tooltip will also be shown upon a mouseover which will show an abbreviated list of people attending. If user desires an event that does not exist in a list, they can create their own using the “Create Lunch Event” button at the bottom.
This is the button Anjali would use, because she desires to create a TacoTime lunch.
Picture 2:
) The “Create New Lunch” window polls the user for location, time, people to invite, when to send a reminder email to participants (if a reminder is desired) and when to allow users to confirm attendance. The “where” field is simply a text box. The time is segmented into separate boxes for hour and minute, a short drop down allows selection between AM/PM, and a calendar widget for selection of date. The “people to invite” field is a scrollable list of users or groups of users, with checkboxes to indicate whether the person should be invited. This list also has an optional search field at the top. It will abbreviate the list below to only include users who match the string typed into this field. The creator of an event can also set reminder times, and the time in which parcipants can confirm their attendance. These two have identical fields with a spot for a 2 digit number, followed by a “minutes, hours, days” dropdown that indicates time before event reminders, and confirmations will be in effect, respectively. There is also a comments section at the bottom where the user can put in whatever they think will be helpful for other users to see in order to coordinate the event. They complete creation of the event by pressing the “Create Event” button at the bottom. If the event has already been created, they will see an “Edit Event” button there instead.
Picture 3:
) The “MyLunches” screen shows a user all tof the lunches they have joined. It shows the same information for each lunch as does the browsing home page. Clicking an event yields the same result of showing the full event details. On the left, there is a space which will be inhabited by an exclamation point if the event is within the confirmation time set by the user. Upon clicking an event with the exclamation point, they will be able to confirm attendance to the event. This has the effect of giving a very accurate tally at the last minute before an event of who is actually going to attend.
If this screen is reached by creating or joining an event, text at the top indicating that the event has been successfully added will be displayed.
Picture 4:
) The Event Info page is reached by clicking on an event either in the list on the home page or by clicking on an event in the MyLunches list. This screen shows the location and time of the event, as well as a list of people that have joined the event. A “U” will be displayed at the right side of a person’s name to indicate they have not confirmed attendance, and a “C” will be displayed to indicate if they have. Any comments made by the creator of the event will also be shown. At the bottom left, there is a button for joining or removing oneself from the event depending on if you have joined the event already or not. The button in the lower right is for confirming attendance. This button will only be active if it is within the time window set by the creator of the event before the set time.
Design #2 Analysis:
This interface does pretty well in the learnability category. The user is greeted with a list of obviously-clickable events in chronological order on the front page. These are the events they have been invited to attend. There is no searching or information required by the site before the list of events can be displayed. Upon clicking an event, they will see all necessary details such as location, time, and who is attending the event. Upon clicking the button to create a new lunch event, they will see an easy form that asks them for the relevant information.
Design #3: Map Browsing User Interface
Picture 1:
This is the first page a user sees on LunchBunch. The map can be zoomed into or out of. It is initially focused on the location the user has specified in their account. The search bar in the upper left corner allows the user to search for a restaurant and refocuses the map on the nearest business that most closely matches the search. Stars on the map mark places where lunch events are occuring that you are invited to, have joined, or have created. When you have joined an event, the star is emphasized with a circle around it. Hovering over one of these stars shows a tooltip-like popup with a summary of the event details. Clicking on this popup takes the user to the event details page for a lunch event. When Pallavi is looking for a lunch to attend, she browses this map. She hovers over a star on Taco Time and see details for an upcoming lunch she has been invited to. She clicks on this star to see more details about this lunch and join it.
Picture 2:
This is the event details page. It tells the user all the details about the lunch, including who has already joined the lunch. There is a large button on the screen to join the lunch. With one easy click, Pallavi joins the lunch. Once she joins the lunch, the “Join” button becomes a “Remove Me From This Lunch” button (not pictured). Note that if the organizer visits this page, he or she will see a “Edit Details” button and a “Delete This Lunch” button (also not pictured). Pallavi can click “Back to Map” at the lower right corner of the page to return to the map of lunch events.
Picture 3:
This is the event creation page. When Anjali wants to create her lunch event and goes to LunchBunch, she clicks the button at the bottom of the map to create a new lunch event and is brought to this page. Because she was taken to the map page before creating an event, she was able to make sure there isn’t an existing lunch that she would rather join. On this event creation page, Anjali fills out the details of her event in a form format (see notes on picture for details about each part of the form). Anjali can write in special comments (e.g. a place to meet before the lunch, reservation details, etc.) at the bottom of the form. Anjali requests that her guests are asked to re-confirm that they are coming to the event along with a reminder for the event that she sets to be sent out to attendees 45 minutes before the lunch. This reminder/confirmation request is sent via email to all the people who have joined the event at the time Anjali specified.
Picture 4:
This is the My Lunches page. It shows all the lunches that the user has joined and fits them onto one map frame. It can be navigated to from the map homepage from a link in the upper right corner of the screen. This page makes it easy for users to keep track of the lunches they have committed to and the “!” symbol next to the star alerts them that the organizer is asking them to confirm that they are actually coming to the lunch because it is approaching. Mike almost forgot that he had committed to lunch at Taco Time. However, he received an email reminder and a request for him to confirm that he’s actually coming (this email is further explained in picture 6). Instead of confirming through the email, Mike navigated to the My Lunches page and clicked on Taco Time, which was marked with a “!” because the event time was approaching.