Task | Sub task | Sketch | Description | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
Find a Friend | Home page
| | This is the home screen of a user. All our application. it is in the form of a dashboard; all the different tasks offered by this UI can be initiated from this screen; For example add a friend, view and RSVP a new event invitation, view and approve friend requests, view all friends on map and view all events on map. | This home screen is in form of a dashboard and displays all the functionalities offered the functionalities offered by this application in one place. all All the icons have a relevant picture to increase the information scent. And each Each icon has a label under it to make it easy to learn for a new user. | Because user can directly identify which icon is most relevant to the task he/she they have in mind, they can directly go theregot to the relevant page, instead of steering thorough multiple pages, making it a very efficient home page. Also because the icon and label puts all the information on screen, users do not need to remember memorize the exact position of button for a specific task.T | Affordances of this menu prevents user from selecting a wrong option. User does not perform the any task on this screen, instead they use this page only for navigation therefore there is no task on this screen that cannot be undone.Making it a very safe home In case a user does select a wrong icon, and leave this page, they will see a button on top left of the screen with shape of a house on it. Tapping this button will always bring the user back to "home" page. |
| Friend list
| | This is the screen which will show the When a user tap the first icon labeled "Friends" this screen will show up. This screen contains the list of existing friends of the user. The list is displayed in alphabetical order. user can scroll up and down by finger or use the scroll bar on right for fast retrival in case the list is long.
this screen has a button on top left with the symbol of home on it. which symbolizes that this button will take user back to the home screen.
this screen has a groups "Groups" button and an "+" button as well.the on top right. The groups button will take user to a page where predefined categories of users friends are displayed; All friends(the default list), recently contacted friends(list of 10 friends user recently attended an event with), pending friends(friends who haven’t accepted user’s friend request yet.). | This display is externally consistent with contact lists in smart phones. When user scrolls down a little bit a search bar is displayed. This feature will not be visible to the beginners. But because initially users will have a shorter list. and once the list grows enough to make user use the scroll feature, they will discover the search bar easily because it is consistent with other hidden search bars in other smart phone application (for example emails) , facilitating a new user in learning process.
| If if a user realize at this point that there is another person he/she that they want to add, they dont need to go back to home page to add a new friend, becauseof the because there exists a short cut available on this very screen. | No user action on this page is undo-able. Therefore this page is safe | on the top right of this window in shape of "+". this short cut increase the efficiency for frequent users. | all the actions user perform on this page can be undone by navigating back. |
| | | Find a friend | | tapping the map button against friend opens map and shows friend on map. name of a friend brings up this screen. this contains the name and details of the friend. and an "map" icon labeled "Map". it also contains a short cut for initiating event at the bottom of the page for labeled "invite to a new event". | This page is simple and clearly labeled. The map icon has a label saying “show on map” which makes this feature easy to discover.
| User can find a friend from home page icon “show friend on map” where user enters friends name or selects from contact list. This button here provides a shortcut, therefore makes it efficeitn to use for frequent users. | This page contains efficient direct links to find a friend on map, and also to create an event. | all the actions user perform on this page can be undone by navigating back.
if the user accidentally creates an event, user can cancel it and return to this page. |
| Find a friend
| | tapping the map button against friend's name opens this screen. this screen contains a map with a small dot on the location of that friend with a small speech bubble with the name of that friend in it. | this screen is externally consistent with the google maps. making it easy to learn for a new user of our application. | It allows zooming in and out, the panning of the distance is based on the zoom level. | User complete control over how much zoom in they want the map to be, and zooming action can be undone by zooming out.
The "Back" button on top of the screen takes user back to friends page. User can tap the “back” button to undo this action. (navigate back) |
Add Friend
| Look up a person
| | When user taps on "add a friend" icon on home page of "+" button on friends' list screen this screen shows up. This is the screen where user looks up a person in the directory to add as friend. the search result contains all the matches for the searched name. It may contain people already added as friends, people whose friend request is pending for user's approval and friends who did not yet respond to user’s friend request. To distinguish between all these type of search results, there is a small word against each search result saying either "friend" "pending" "respond" for each of the type explained earlier respectively.
| the words used are The terminology used is externally consistent with common vocabulary as well as other social networking media. , therefore it is easy to learn. user can at any time restart the search or change the key for search. therefore it is completely safe process.the
| The search is adaptive and shows inline research results as the user types next letter of the name. , making it efficient.
| user can at any time restart the search or change the key for search.
| View Profile | add button takes user to this screen. it autofills the contact details and also the customized message but a user can change the customised messgae field. and send request by tapping the button on thebootm of the page. the text fields are auto filled decreasing the users responsibility in the overall procedure, increasing the efficiency.
| at any time user can cancel the friend request. and the buttons with long term effect are placed strategically away from navigation buttons.and size of buttons is increased if two buttons are adjacent to each other, minimizing the chances of accidently tapping the wrong one.
| | | | When a user taps a name from the search result list this screen shows up. it contains displays name and details of that person from the common directory, for user to review and decide if this is the person he/she is looking for. notice the map is gray, showing that the map is disabled for that person because he/she is not added as friend yet. then user User can send friend request by tapping the add button.
| | | At any time user can cancel the friend request. and the buttons with long term effect are placed strategically away from navigation buttons.and size of buttons is increased if two buttons are adjacent to each other, minimizing the chances of accidently tapping the wrong one. |
| Add as Friend | | "Add" button on the previous screen takes user to this screen. This screen contains a customized message to be sent with friend request.And “send” and “cancel” buttons. The contact details is auto-filled and the customized message contains fragile default message. User can change the customised messgae field and send request by tapping the button on the bottom of the page.
| All the buttons are clearly labels and are internally consistent with the use of vocabulary.
| the text fields are auto filled decreasing the users responsibility in the overall procedure, increasing the efficiency.
| User can cancel friend request process at any time.
| | | If | | if the person whoes profile is being displayed is alreayd already a friend, this screen will show up instead. the map button is enabled.and
if that person already sent youa request and is waiting you responce this screen will show up. the map buttonis disabled, and gets enabled when accept button is tapped .
| all these three profile views are consistent with each other. therefore does not challange user's learnability.allt he buttons and actions are appropriatly labeled. easign the learnability process.
| | | | Add as friend
| | This screen contains a customized message to be sent with friend request.And “send” and “cancel” buttons.
| All the buttons are clearly labels and are internally consistent with the use of vocabulary.
| The customized message box is auto filled with fragile default message.
| do not require users to learn or memorize the details. All he buttons and actions are appropriately labeled easing the learning process.
| | User can cancel friend request process at any time. |
Initiate Event
| Create event
| | this is the screen where user can schedule an event. tapping on each property of an event will take user to a separate page where they can enter a value.
each edit view has a cancel and done buttons on the top, which are wide and clearly labeled. edit
Edit start and end time page has a turn wheel for easily selecting date and time. with deafult as , with default set to 30 minutes later. added into current time. select invitees page takes the user to its friend list. user can select multiple invitees by tapping on their names. the friends alreayd already added in the list have a tick againt their names and thoes who those who are not added yet have a "+" inside a circle againt their names. there is also a search bar on the top. selecting multiple friends makes it efficient, and search bar makes it easier to browse through a long list.
once all the properties are set, event can be broadcasted to all invitees by tapping the button on thebottom of the page.which pops out a confirmation message. | this page is easy to learn because it contains every day vocabulary. and is externally consistent with other mobile smart phone applications. it is efficient because of different halp features exaplien earleier. and it is safe because it asks users consent before broadcasting the event.and user can at any time cancel or reschedule and event. | | features such as "Selecting multiple friends" and "ticker" for start and end time makes it efficient. search bar in the list of friends makes it faster to browse through a long list of friends. | A dialogue box pops up when the user tapps "send invite" button, asking for confirmation. making user to think twice before actually sending out the invite. |
| Edit location and name
| | | | | |
| Edit start and end time
| | | | | |
| Invitee list
| | | | | |
| Edit notes
| | | | | |
| Broadcast invite
| | | | | |
| Check RSVP
| | | | | |
| View list of events Event Invite list
| | this page contains the list of new event invitations. this page lists time and location against each event.
| | this page displays time and location of the event against each event making it faster for user to browse through for a specific event. | user can undo ll their actions by navigating back. |
| View event details and location
| | tapping the event name brings the user to even details screen. this screen display the details just like a create event page did. except that the button on the bottom now says "send RSVP" the "event location" has a button against it saying "show on may". is the page user can view all the events. each event has location and time againt its name. making it easier for the user to browse throught the list for a specific event on a scpeicfic day and location. if the event is canceld, the word cancel is shown instead of location and place. in case the location is changed by the organizer a asterisk appears on the location and time. user can tap on the event name to view the full details. the page which displays the full details looks just like the create event page. except fro the fact that it does not contain "broadcast event button"instead it has RSVP button. which takes user to RSVP page.
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| View event details and location on Map | | tappign Tapping the map button against friend opens map and shows event event on map.
| | | |
| Send RSVP
| | RSVP page contains option "AccetpAccept" and "Reject" along with a optional field for "additional notes". user can send the reason for rejection or may be dietery contrianst with the acceptence.and tap sendbe dietary restrictions with the acceptance and tap "send" to send response.
| | | |
| View list of events
| | This is the page user can view all the events. each event has location and time againt its name. making it easier for the user to browse through the list for a specific event on a scpeicfic day and location.
If the event is canceld, the word cancel is shown instead of location and place.
In case the location is changed by the organizer a asterisk appears on the location and time.
| | Edit details User can tap on the event name to view the full details.
the page which displays the full details looks just like the create event page. except for the fact that it does not contain "Send invite" instead it has RSVP button. which takes user to RSVP page.
| | | |
| View RSVPs | Broadcast update | When the person who created the event taps the name of the there is a button at the bottom of the page labeled "view RSVPs" | | | |
| | Edit details and broadcast update.
| | there is a edit button on the top. which bring the user back to the create event page with all the field already populated. user can update the details and send updated. | | | | | | | |