Create a Tournament | | In order to create a tournament, Larry would first log in and then be taken to his account home screen. At the top of the page there is a header bar which includes the “create tournament” button , on the right side. He would click on this button in order to be taken to the “create a tournament” page. The header bar remains on the page. In order to create a tournament Larry must type in a name for the tournament , and choose the type of tournament he wants (by checking the box, next to the different choices), and . He can also specify the end date & time of the tournament join joining period (using the standard popup calendar widget and a text box for time-similar to the time textbox used in doodle)) and/or add extra information about the tournament. Once he fills in this information he can click the “create” button which then updates the page with the following message and participation link: Your tournament has been created. Participation link. Send this link to anyone you wish to invite. linkClicking on the link will take Larry to the tournament information page, where Larry can update tournament information, manage the tournament, and view the tournament. | | | Pro: This page includes familiar widgets such as the textbox, checkboxes, and popup calendar.The page is self-explanatory with brief descriptions for each component of the tournament creation i.e. name, type, join period and a “create tournament” button
Con: No visible view/description of the different types of tournaments. This requires knowledge about the types of tournaments i.e. round-robin, single-elimination, etc.
| Pro: This one page includes all the information needed to create a tournament, so there is no need to go through multiple pages/steps.
| Pro: If Larry makes a mistake and creates a different type of tournament, change the join period, etc. he can click on the link and update the tournament information.
Con: Editing information once he creates a tournament requires navigating to a different page. |