Ginny receives a response from the user of Washer 2, explaining that he/she wants the blue dryer sheets. Ginny has the option of messaging the user again, but since she received a satisfactory answer to her question, she closes the notification. Ginny is now able to correctly run the user's laundry.
Ginny is back at the home screen, with the expanded options for Washer 2. Now that the washer is empty, Ginny will use it to wash her own robes. However, when they're finished washing, she wants to make sure they are dried on the delicate cycle. Therefore, she clicks on the next icon to leave her own note.
Once again, Ginny returns to the home screen. If she wants to know when her robes are done washing, she can click on the "Notify me!" button and the system will send her a text message when the next washing cycle has finished.
The app gives a confirmation that she will receive a notification when her clothes are done washing.