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It provides a text box at the center for user to paste the url of the webpage that they want to annotate. Then they need to hit 'Enter' or press 'Load'.

It also provides a 'Login' button that pops up a login prompt (not shown). When logged in, the user's username will be shown at the top right corner instead.


Private Editing Page.

User (logged in as Jim) loads a webpage and is shown the editing page. The user is able to edit the webpage in the editing page. 

The top bar is showing the original webpage's URL, username, and three buttons: 'Save' (shown below), 'Reload' (discard all changes) and 'Share' (shown below).

The webpage being annotated is automatically divided up into sections (they can be high-level divs, for example).

Mouse behavior and actions user can take:

  1. Hovering over a section: A cross is shown at the top right corner of the section to afford 'deletion of the section'. 
  2. Hovering over section boundary: Cursor changes to 'move cursor' to afford 'moving the section around'. 
  3. Hovering over text: Cursor changes to 'text cursor'.
  4. Clicking on text: A row of buttons is shown just above the cursor to provide editing capabilities: 'insert text' and 'add notes'. 
  5. Selecting text: A row of buttons is shown just above the cursor to provide editing capabilities: 'add notes', 'hyperlink', 'highlight' and 'change color'.
  6. Clicking on an image: A button is shown just above the cursor to provide editing capability: 'add notes'. 


Save Dialog Box. 

Pops up when 'Save' is clicked on the above screen.
Allows user to name the annotated webpage and save.
Clicking 'Save' brings the user to the screen below (dashboard).

Share Dialog Box.

Two share modes:

  • 'Publish': Allow invited users to see your annotated webpage, but they cannot modify it.
  • 'Collaborate': Allow invited users to collaborate in editing (described in screen 4, Collaborative Editing).


Dashboard Page.

This is user's dashboard, showing thumbnails of all the user's saved annotated webpages. Below each thumbnail, name and access control of the page is shown. It also offers 'delete' by showing a cross at top right during mouse over.


Collaborative Editing Page.

The editing capabilities provided are very similar to the private editing page, with one difference: The sections are not editable if other users are already editing in those sections, and are labeled with the editing user's username. (Sections are divided automatically when the page is loaded into WebAnnotator, as described before.) For example, when Jim and Sam are editing the page collaboratively, if Sam is selecting text in the middle section, the section and its subsection (containing the image) are not editable to Jim. But Jim can edit any other sections.





When the webpage is presented to the user, it tries to show affordances for editing by displaying section borders and the 'close' button, but it is not obvious what editing capabilities are provided or what kind of annotation the user can do. A panel at the top or the side containing all possible editing buttons may improve learnability.






Design 2

Design 3