- Instructors whose schedules vary dramatically from week to week must open a dialog box for every single day they wish to work when initially entering their schedule, since they cannot take advantage of the “repeat” functionality.
- Approving the schedule by day rather than by instructor is awkward. If the admin does not wait until all the instructors submit their schedule, the admin will have to click on all the days that need approval separately even if only one instructor’s schedule is pending approval.
- The dialog box is likely to obscure the calendar, so the user will have to move the dialog box around to see the entire calendar.
- An instructor (who is not an admin) has absolutely no way of modifying another instructor’s schedules
- A limit of having one dialog box open at a time ensures that a user never accidentally performs an action on the wrong dialog box.
- If instructors make wrong changes, they can just open up the dialog boxes and change their selections again (worst case is that the admin already approved their wrong changes and will have to approve again when they fix it); if an instructor changes his selection for a given shift back to his original (currently approved) selection, the system will behave as if no changes have been made.