Versions Compared


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Darryl approves his request, and he is automatically marked as excused on the schedule for that day.
It is the end of the season and Jimmy is interested in finding out how often his instructors were excused from their shifts or missed them without calling.  He logs into the scheduling program and views each instructors schedule.  Since his supervisors were diligent about marking absences, he can see for each instructor what days they missed and what days they were excused from.  He then uses this information to help him decide which instructors should be re-hired the following season.











  • The calendar view is generally consistent with both computer calendars and paper calendars.  The calendar metaphor is also appropriate.
  • Dates are presented in the typical American format (Month DD, YYYY).  This is good since the targeted user population resides in the United States.
  • There is internal consistency:  day, evening, night always appear in the same chronological order and the order of the disciplines in the dialog box is always the same
  • Tabs, expand/collapse selection buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, etc. all behave consistently with external applications
  • Mouse over the calendar gives feedback in the form of highlighting the day being moused over and indicating that the days are clickable


  • Requesting to be excused from a shift requires the instructor changing his selection for that shift to “None” which may not be intuitive
  • Need better icons:  the icon for night is not very good (is supposed to be a clock pointing to midnight but looks too much like a power on/off button) and the icon for evening could be misinterpreted as night.
  • The way for an admin to view an individual instructor’s schedule (for viewing attendance) is not very straightforward, since it involves clicking on the instructor’s name from the Attendance tab.
  • The user might not realize there is not a way to request correcting an attendance mistake through this interface.



  • It is easy for an instructor to view his own schedule and see which requests still need to be approved.  The calendar also makes it easy for an instructor to figure out what their schedule for the upcoming week looks like, for example.
  • Admins can easily see which days have changes that need approval.
  • Requesting a change is very fast, since it just requires clicking on a day, changing their selection, and submitting.
  • Defaults are set well (e.g. all the check boxes are checked for approval initially, the default is “present” for recording attendance).
  • The supervisor for a particular discipline needs only expand the shift they’re supervising under the “View” tab to see the relevant instructors for their shift/discipline


  • Instructors whose schedules vary dramatically from week to week must open a dialog box for every single day they wish to work when initially entering their schedule, since they cannot take advantage of the “repeat” functionality.
  • Approving the schedule by day rather than by instructor is awkward.  If the admin does not wait until all the instructors submit their schedule, the admin will have to click on all the days that need approval separately even if only one instructor’s schedule is pending approval.
  • The dialog box is likely to obscure the calendar, so the user will have to move the dialog box around to see the entire calendar.


  • An instructor (who is not an admin) has absolutely no way of modifying another instructor’s schedules
  • A limit of having one dialog box open at a time ensures that a user never accidentally performs an action on the wrong dialog box.
  • If instructors make wrong changes, they can just open up the dialog boxes and change their selections again (worst case is that the admin already approved their wrong changes and will have to approve again when they fix it); if an instructor changes his selection for a given shift back to his original (currently approved) selection, the system will behave as if no changes have been made.


  • There is no undo stream (though having one would probably be very confusing due to the use of dialog boxes).
  • If the user turns on “repeat until end of season” for a wrong selection and overwrites his selections on future days, the only way of recovering from that mistake is to reselect the correct selection for all the days he overwrote.
  • Since the admin selects the shifts/disciplines by day, if an instructor happens to be submitting his schedule before the admin finalizes what shifts and disciplines will exist on a given day (or if the instructor arbitrarily deletes a shift in the middle of the season), then the data the instructors enter for that shift will be lost (not to mention that the instructors will be very confused as to whether or not that shift actually exists).
  • There is no simple way to recover if admin accidentally approves something he should not have approved.  This is probably necessary functionality but would add complexity to the admins’ interface.

Design 3


Sam is a ski and snowboard instructor at Snowy Hills. It is the beginning of October and he would like to submit his schedule for the upcoming season online. He has already received a username/password from the ski school and has logged in. Sam signs up to teach snowboarding on Friday evenings, children on Saturday during the day, and skiers on most Tuesday evenings. He has a couple of Tuesdays that he can’t teach and he is also available during several holidays to teach children. After filling out the online form, he submits it for approval.
