Versions Compared


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We have developed three designs for each task, resulting in three storyboards. We analyze each design during each task, as we have different interfaces for each task.

 Design 1 

Design Images




Safety Usability Analysis

Story goes here

Usability goes here Pros:
The consumption bar allows user to efficiently compare today’s data with historical data, and quickly detects any anomalies.
The chart presents much data efficiently in a small space, and yet makes anomalies stand out in a comparison way. If it further supports swiping to change time frame, it would be more efficient.
The radio button to select consumption verses cost allows quick switch between different kinds of useful information.
The screen does not provide information on per device basis. Finding out which device causes problems requires user to dig into other screens, and thus inefficient.
Browsing the chart to a specific date and time is also inefficient. Adding a Calendar widget would remedy the problem.
It’s also not easy to compare same time period, say 1PM-6PM of different days. Pros:
There is generally no safety issue. If user chooses a wrong button, for example, he or she can quickly switch back. If navigates to a wrong page inadvertently, he or she can also quickly browse back.
If user goes to another time frame in the chart by swiping, it could be difficult for him or her to get back. Adding a “Back to Today” button would fix the problem. If user navigates back and forth between different screens, inadvertently or not, the selection he or she made needs to persist.

In this design, we took a hybrid approach of using both a web and mobile interface. Uploading the wardrobe is performed on a mobile interface, while the other tasks are all performed on a web interface.
Uploading wardrobe

Posing a request


Posing a request

Browsing requests

Image Removed Image Added
Creating an outfit

Browsing a response to a previous request