Learnability: The note management portion of this design is familiar to users of most file system managers because of the organization of folders and notes. This consistency will probably allow new users to pick up on the organization of this view very quickly. The text editing portion of the interface is pretty standard as well, and users who are familiar with a text editor such as Microsoft Word will be comfortable taking notes in this view. The text editor itself is essentially the same as in the other designs, so the same analysis applies here. This design is probably the simplest to use from the editor view, because it is very natural to record a video of what is seen while the notes are being taken. The idea of taking a screenshot from a live video is also familiar to the user, although they might feel that since they're recording the video they might not also need to take notes. The biggest challenge for learnability in this design is probably the "review" feature of the application. The ability to click on a particular part of text and jump to the corresponding part of the video will not be familiar to the majority of the users, so it will likely take some time for them to become proficient at finding the correct spot in the material that they wish to review.
Efficiency: The key increase in efficiency in this design is that to take a picture and insert it into the notes, the user is not required to pull out his or her smartphone and take a picture with it (or even own one). The screenshot feature allows for quick transitions between note taking and picture inserting. The ability to seek through the recorded video by clicking on a certain section of the notes is also a huge boost in efficiency, because the user is not required to slowly seek through the video to find the relevant material.
Design 3
In this design, we allow a single level hierarchy that lets you put notes into different categories, and the list of notes is displayed on the same page as the editor. Rather than inserting pictures from a camera, this design allows us to harness the ease of typing things on a laptop and the ease of drawing things with a touchscreen by using a smartphone to create hand-drawn diagrams, which will be inserted into notes taken using a webapp on a laptop.