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In this scenario, Jack needs to create an event and invite Kate and Bill. Kate and Bill need to respond to the event.

Design 1


The following image shows the overall walkthrough of the design.

  (Figure 1)

When Jack opens his mashcal to create and event he is greeted with the homescreen shown on the  Figure 2. It shows him to the events he has created day by day. He can transition to the new event creation window (also on Figure 2) on from the homescreen. He can name the event and choose its type as well as invite others and pick

the possible dates for the event. Upon pressing on "Pick possible dates" button he will come to  Pick Dates window shown on Figure 3. The structure of the picking dates window is similar to theiphone default alarm clock interface. The Month  Week and Day can be set with scrollable selectors that move up and down with a flick (Similar to alarm choosing interface). The time slots can be marked available and unavailable and after selection clicking done button brings Jack back to the event creation window. He can then select the invitees from his contact list (Shown on Figure 4). This interface is similar to iphone contact interface. He can add import contacts as well as search for them in the autocomplete search input box.  He selects Bill from his contact list, however he did not previously have Kate's contact and he adds her as a new contact. By pressing the Done button he sends invitation to Kate and Bill. When Kate and Bill receive invitations, push notification will appear on their phone as shown on figure 5. They can just simply reply "I can not go" or they can choose the dates appropriate for them via the Pick Dates interface and send the reply back.
   (Figure 2)          (Figure 3)         (Figure 4)         ( Figure 5)



Good: Couple of affordances are used in the interface to improve usability. Traditional affordances like arrows and buttons are natural to the user. Their behavior is not violated and are consistent with way people think about them. The "Percentage of People RSVP-d "* *icon communicates whether the event was for a group or just for Jack by showing many human figures or just one. That icon is filled up according to how many people reply to the invitations. The thumb icon on the Pick Date window on Figure 3 tells the user that the time slot can be selected with a touch. Without those 

Design 2


<insert picture here>


Kate now gets a push notification from the application stating that someone has invited her to an event. She can see an overview of the events she hasn't replied to and those that she has (middle right panel). From the push notification she goes straight to the event page (bottom left). In here she sees her own schedule on the horizontal calendar as well as the shaded areas of proposed times from Bill. She can click on the shaded area to highlight it and say that she can attend the event at that proposed time. If she can't attend any or doesn't want to reply to it, she can press any of the buttons below.


Learnability - This interface is very minimal and compact. It uses less pages and makes it easier for the user to understand what is going on. There are several affordances that allows a user to figure out how to maneuver through pages; the buttons allow the user to switch from page to page. It is easy for a user to understand how to change the numbers in the dates and time range because they show up as a scrollable wheel, which is a nice affordance. Understanding how to select ranges in the scheduling page can be difficult for someone creating an event. As a first time user, it might not be that clear and we will probably have to find a way to make it more obvious. Maybe some help text or an initial tour of the design.

Efficiency - The minimalistic design of the interface allows users to quickly create an event by only going through 3 pages. We also use an autocomplete feature to allow users to find people faster. The slowest part of the interface is the scheduling page for the creator. It is fairly difficult to select ranges from the horizontal calendar because it requires certain manipulation of the schedule.

Safety - The interface makes sure that you can go back and forth between pages to fix any types of errors. We will also try to make sure that there is a way to edit events that a user has already created. We also give a good amount of feedback on the schedule for users selecting certain ranges (both the creator and invitee) because we highlight selections thoroughly to ensure that a user knows what they did.

Other - We try to maintain consistency between pages by using the same header and gestures throughout pages. We also try to condense all tasks into their own unique page in order to not confuse users or redirect them to multiple pages for one task.
