Safety: This design is safe in that errors are recoverable. If the user selects the wrong item, he or she can close the window. The users are also few since most of the time the user knows exactly what he or she is picking because it is specified in the picture and text.
Design 2
Task 1: Selecting a Restaurant
Design Selection: GPS
Anand arrives at Cinderella’s and opens up menu.io in order to see the menu. The app presents him with 3 different options: Cinderella’s, Toscanini’s, and Desi Dhaba. These options are found through the GPS feature of Anand’s phone. These are the closest restaurants that use menu.io, based on Anand’s current location. He selects Cinderella’s, and sits down to view the menu that the app has generated for him.
Learnability: GPS is very learnable. The app does most of the heavy lifting for the user, and the user only has to choose the restaurant of his/her choice when it shows up.
Efficiency: This design
is efficient because it makes sure the user only has to take 1 action: choosing the restaurant. Nothing has to be typed up or searched, and GPS can be selected immediately. The only efficiency issue arises when the wanted restaurant is not shown in the list to the user, which will be discussed in the Safety section.
Safety: This design is not very safe, especially if there are GPS issues with the phone. This requires users to type in the restaurant that they are eating at, which causes an efficiency issue.
Task 2: Viewing the Menu
Design Selection: Icons Icons on top with details in the center.