(Home Screen) | | This is the launching point for many of the tasks one would want to accomplish. Once a user has logged in, this is their home screen. From here, at one glance, the user can determine what tournaments they are a part of, view a list of all their friends on the site, and take care of any notifications that may pop up.
Additionally, at the bottom of each of these three columns are buttons that a user may use to a) Create a New Tournament, b) Add a Friend, and c) Send a Message to someone.
At the top is a bar that is ever-present and includes things like the user's username, a logout button, and a settings button. | | | |
Create a Tournament | | This is where Larry would create the ping-pong tournament. By clicking on "New Tournament" on the home screen, a new competition is created, and Larry can now set it up for the whole office to use.
Larry first adds the Tournament Name and Description, via editable text boxes, and then proceeds to label the tournament type as a simple elimination tourney from a drop-down list. He can also set the sport or activity being done (in this case, ping pong) by text box.
Once he has completed all the information for the tournament, he has to send out the invitations. At the top right are two simple ways to add people to the invite list. Larry can search through his friends on the BrackeTracker, or add people's emails to an invite list. As he sends out the invites, people will receive an invitation to join BrackeTracker if they have not created an account already, and will also be given a "password" for the tournament that they have to type in for verification. This is to ensure that random people not associated with the office cannot add themselves.
Finally, as people join, Larry will be able to see their names as either "Participants" or "Watchers" for people who want to watch the progress of the tournament without participating. Since Larry is an admin (because he made the tournament), he can see buttons that allow him to add people as admins, or boot people from the tournament. Once everyone has joined the tournament, Larry can click the "start tournament" button to lock the participants in place and close the "joining period".
This is also the page that people will see when they try to view the tournament during the "joining period" (minus the "make admin" and "boot" buttons and editable text boxes if they are not admins). | | | |
Search/Join a Tournament | | Searching for a tournament and joining that tournament is done in the Home page, mainly. As stated before, there are two ways that one can invite someone to join a tournament - either by sending an invite inside BrackeTracker to someone's account (which will also send them an email through the email they used to register their account), or by sending an email directly. In both scenarios, the process is almost the same for adding the tournament, exemplified by Curly's actions. Curly receives an email asking him to join the tournament. Included in the email is the tournament name and a "password" for the tournament. He follows the link to BrackeTracker's home page, which asks him to create an account. Once he does so, he sees that he has a notification asking him to join the office's table tennis tournament. He clicks on the link, enters the password for the tournament in the popup box that appears, and is then sent to the "Create a Tournament" view above, which allows him to see the state of the tournament during the "joining" period (of course, because he is not yet an admin, he cannot modify any information in this page). This process is nearly identical for someone who already has an account and receives an invitation (except that the site does not prompt him to create an account)
Moe, however, was accidentally left out from the invite list. However, he also has no problem joining. He goes to his home page and searches for the tournament name in the "Tournament" column. Since he is not part of the tournament yet, it is not already part of the list of tournaments he is participating in. Instead, a little button asking him whether he would like to "Search All Tournaments" appears. By clicking this, the search expands to all tournaments registered on BrackeTracker. He finds the table tennis tournament, but of course, he cannot join yet, since he did not receive the invitation with the password. He asks his co-worker at the desk next to him for the password and enters it, enabling him to view the same "Create a Tournament" page that Curly does. | | | |
Update a Tournament | | Updating a tournament is a task that Larry, Curly, and Moe (as well as other members of the office) do quite often. Every time they finish a game, they go to the Home page, find the table tennis tournament in their list of Tournaments, click on it, and are transported to the "View/Manage a Tournament" screen. Here, they see a full overview of the tournament represented graphically. | | | |