- Compose Music Sketches: Users need to create new sketches, place notes on a staff to sketch out themes, bass lines, and rhythmic patterns. We plan to balance detail of their composition, simplicity of a theme, and space limitations posed by the mobile phone’s screen size. We will offer these features for sketches:**
- Select meter and pitch of the sketch
- Choose clef for the staff
- Place notes on a staff
- Divide staff into measures
- Modify notes with sharps, flats, accents, note length, ties, slurs
- Pitch is played when a note is placed so the user can make sure they are accurately transcribing the phrase. (We will assume that the user has headphones they can use if they are in a noisy environment and want to use this feature. This is a safe assumption because most people use their phones as their music players, too.)
- Add dynamic and expression markings
- Sketches Play Back: The user would like to listen to the entire sketch to remember what it sounded like. It may also help them as they transcribe it to their computer or a piece of paper, and help them return to the frame of mind they were in so they can easily expand the sketch into a composition. To accomplish this, the app can accurately play back the sketch, using the specified key signature, time signature, tempo, and note lengths.
- Browse the Saved Files on the Phone: The user needs a way to organize their sketches on the phone, select a previously saved sketch to edit it or listen to it. Our app will allow users to:
- Create new sketches
- View the sketch names of the files the user has stored on the phone
- Select a sketch to edit or hear played back