Storyboard | Learnability | Efficiency | Safety |
![](/confluence/download/thumbnails/82322065/1.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331513221000&api=v2) Bob launches the Smart Grid application from his tablet. He notices from the consumption bar at the left side of the screen that the energy cost in the past 24 hours is very high - $18 - considerably higher than the average. He then uses the chart at the right side of the screen to find out that the consumption was the highest from 11AM to 2PM. He clicks on the Devices button at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the Devices view, trying to find out why.
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![](/confluence/download/thumbnails/82322065/2.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331355614000&api=v2) In the Devices view, Bob can see the Floor Plan tab, which presents all the devices in his residence in graphics, grouped by areas as he arranged when he first setup the application. Today however he wants to see what devices consumes consume most power, so he clicks the By Consumptions tab.
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![](/confluence/download/thumbnails/82322065/3.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331513339000&api=v2) In this screen, Bob can see all his devices in a tree view, along with their consumptions in the time period that Bob has chosen at the left side of the screen. Today, he chooses 11AM to 2PM. The screen also lists the top five power consuming devices. The top of the list is the central air conditioner. Clicking on the device brings him to its control screen.
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![](/confluence/download/thumbnails/82322065/4.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331355795000&api=v2) In this page, he adjusts the cool setpoint of his home from 65 degree to 75 degree by clicking the up buttons at right side, and the dial at the left side provides immediate visual feedback. After he is done, he clicks the OK button.
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![](/confluence/download/thumbnails/82322065/5.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331355857000&api=v2) Bob is curious about the price information now. So he clicks the Prices button at the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. The Prices screen provides a chart on how much the market will pay for the power that consumer sells, broken down by hours. For comparison purposes, the chart also provides the highest and lowest records in the past. The right side of the screen provides the estimated extra power that his generators provide during the same period of time. Noticing the price from 12PM to 4PM is very good, and he has extra power, so he decides to sell some. So he clicks the Transactions button at the navigation bar
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![](/confluence/download/thumbnails/82322065/6.png?version=1&modificationDate=1331355917000&api=v2) In the Transaction page, Bob selects the time, power source, and the amount of power he wants to sell. The Smart Grid application calculates the profit for him. After inputs the correct information, he clicks the Sell button. The right side of the screen, the Pending Transaction table lists all the pending transactions. Bob can see the transaction he just made is listed there. He can select one or more transactions to cancel if he wants to, but that’s not the plan today. Thinking he can make $10 back, Bob is satisfied, and closes the application.
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