- Input destinations
- Goal: Allow the user to input destinations to visit
- Preconditions:
- Determined locations to visit
- Pre-loaded constraint information about destination like hours of operations, lunch break, expected time for visit
- Subtasks:
- Auto-complete/correct destination names
- Add/edit constraints for destinations
- Goal: Modify constraints for destinations such as:
- best time to visit
- appointment times
- known duration of visit
- "visit this destination first" and other similar constraints
- What is the priority for visiting a given place (relative to visiting other places) (example: important, very important, etc)
- Preconditions:
- Know what time appointments are scheduled for
- Have an estimate of the amount of time that needs to be spent at each destination
- Subtasks:
- Add “global constraints” such as:
- Between what times these destinations need to be visited
- Earliest time / latest time ("I want to wake up at...")
- Partial orderings of destinations ("I want to visit the post office right after I buy stamps at the paper store")
- What type of transportation (car, public transit, walking) is preferred
- Place priority on different constraints (example: it is most important to visit all places or it is most important to visit some places but stay for the whole time. When you have three museums to visit, you want to get to all of them for a short period each. If you have three shows to go to, choose two and see the whole show; don't walk out early on each show).
- Add “global constraints” such as:
- Goal: Modify constraints for destinations such as:
- Auto-generate schedule
- Goal: Using the destinations and constraints inputted by the user, create a schedule to visit all the destinations that meets all the constraints
- Preconditions:
- All those listed under the "Input destinations" task
- Subtasks:
- Display the generated schedule both overlayed on a map on and a timeline
- Display the optimal path between locations on a map
- Show the user the delta between the auto-generated schedule and any partial schedule that the user had previously worked out, so that the user can choose to accept or decline some or all of the changes
- View and Adjust schedule
- Goal: Change and tweak any part of the schedule including the
- Order of destinations
- Duration of visit
- Path to take between destinations
- New constraints for one or more destinations
- Preconditions:
- At least one destination must already be in the system, inputted by either the user or through a generated schedule.
- Once a schedule has been auto-generated, the user should will still be able to make changes to it
- Subtasks:
- Edit destinations and paths from place to place
- Goal: Change and tweak any part of the schedule including the
- Incremental schedule rollback & history
- Goal: Allow the user to undo changes made to a schedule, or revert changes made through generating a schedule
- Preconditions:
- At least one action must be taken towards creating or refining a schedule
- Subtasks:
- Create a language to describe changes made to a schedule, so that all schedule revisions are labeled in a readable way (such as "Moved groceries to the first stop")