Bonnie has difficulties keeping track of events for the kids since they are all written on paper. If this paper calendar gets lost, then she loses all of the events. Bonnie also realizes that she has to schedule events for her kids AND herself. If she decides to have another baby then she will have to schedule more and more. The paper can only hold so much. She also hates it when someone reschedules because she has to erase or scratch out previous events and make new ones. Sometimes she also forgets that her kid has a checkup with the dentist since she doesn't always look at the calendar.
Person C
Tutor Charlie is a tutor trying to create and maintain a schedule with initially a large number of openings. Tutor . He is an MIT student and is very tech savvy. Charlie wants to limit individual tutorees for only one hour a day and make sure they don't take up any more time.
Charlie is an MIT student... meaning he doesn't have time . Slots to deal with rescheduling and has only certain times to tutor someone. Slots can change instantly and need to somehow update the prospective tutorees of new openings.