(See attachments!)
To Run the Wavemaker:
Use "Probe Calibration.vi" as needed
Use "WaveLab_Discrete.vi" to send a wave containing discrete frequencies (for example 1 and 2 Hz)
Use "WaveLab_Successive.vi" to send a packet of waves at one frequency, pause, send a second packet of waves at another frequency
To Generate a Bretschneider Spectrum:
Most likely the 2.22 Lab will be doing this.
The matlab script (attached to this page"BS.m" and "BS_wavemaker.m") generates the motion points. LabView on the Wavemaker Control Computer converts these points to a voltage that moves the wavemaker accordingly.
These things should be set in LabView already. But in case you have , so you shouldn't need to change things.
I had the wave servo amp gain set at ~40 when running this motion.