While waiting for food, customers are often bored with nothing to do. And since food preparation can take a long time, sometimes upwards of an hour, users can get bored or annoyed very quickly. With OpenMenu offering games and web browsing, the customers can be pass the time easily while waiting for their food. For the customer going out by himself, this is a good way to pass the time while waiting for food. For customers going out in groups, the games are a great way to socialize with their friends.
- Why is the task being done?
- To entertain the customer while waiting for their food to arrive
- What does the user need to know or have before doing the task?
- The user simply needs to be informed by the waiter/waitress that this feature exists
- Where is the task being performed?
- On the device
- How often is the task performed?
- Presumably after every customer orders (very often)
- What are its time or resource constraints?
- Only depends on if there are enough devices for every customer currently in the restaurant
- How is the task learned?
- Customer only needs to be informed that the feature exists
- What can go wrong? (Exceptions, errors, emergencies)
- Device could break