As students develop professionally, they maintain a log of their experience and activities for themselves, and to present to potential employers. This , often in a Word document on their personal computer. This professional journal allows undergraduates to generate different resumes as needed. The log will be online, so a user can access and edit it from anywhere the user has internet access. The application asks the user to take his or her knowledge and store it for him or her to see. The user can update this journal as frequently as the user would like, whether it be once a week, once a month, or once a year. Also, since the user can add and edit an entry at anytime, the user can simply put something small in his or her journal, and then return at a later date and expand on and update it. For example, if at an event, a my project is praised, I can make a note of it in my online journal and then later elaborate on it. The UI will be designed so that the user can understand how to use the web application simply by interacting with it. We will have a manual and FAQs as well. With regards to safety, a user may input the wrong information. All entered information will be editable and removable, so that should not be a major concern. A user could however delete something that the user did not mean to delete. This can cause problems. Anytime a user is deleting a full item with other sub-items such as “Summer Internship at Google” and all the bullet points it contains, there will be a confirmation screen asking, “Are you sure you want to delete this?” If they still accidentally delete this bullet point they may have to reenter the informationIf a student is applying to an internship, he often will often develop a resume based on experiences in his journal, keeping the potential employer in mind when deciding what points to add to the resume. The resume is often built the night that an application is due, or the day before a career fair. The points are added to the journal as they happen. The student often updates his GPA every semester, or right before he makes a new resume. Often the major updates to the journal happen when applying for jobs, fellowships and scholarships. These activities happen generally twice a year, once in the fall, and once in the spring. People have learned to keep a journal often because a friend, parent, or other mentor has told them to do so, but often this journal tracking starts when the student joins their undergraduate education. Undergraduates have the issue of not wanting to look bad because they do not have a strong resume, which sometimes leads to exaggeration, such as saying that the student is "fluent in Hindi" when he only has a basic understanding of the language.
2) Students customize a specific version of their resume.