Lessons learned from User Personas
Lessons learned from Mr. Spend Thrift - Thrift-ster User
Current methods of payment "harassment"
- Onamiability
wouldcauseariftbetweentwodifferentpeople,I =i
Timely, in-person verbal confrontation - Text message or email reminders
Desired methods of payment "harassment"
- Time-triggered (ie. every 2 days) reminders for payment
- Effectiveness: harassment reminders actually reaching the desired individual and not email filtered, etc.
- A different method of issuing reminders beyond email or text
Lessons learned from John Doe - Heavy User
Current Solution for Debt Tracking
- Super simple user-interface - Should not take more than a few seconds to input a debt or payment of debt
- Approvals - When another person places a debt on Shawn, he wants to be able to approve it so that people do not make up claims for money.
Lessons learned from Sally Smith - Busy and Occasional Lender User
Current forms of timely payment
- Payments received from friends and family occur at irregular intervals; idiosyncratic time periods
- Without active monitoring, hard to regulate when re-payments are going to be made
Desired methods of future payments
- A way to regulate payment schedule; fixed time periods
- Create a payment period, similar to that of a monthly credit card statement
- ability to actively manage the frequency of payment settlement (every week, every month, bi-annually, etc)
Task Analysis
The PennyPincher application will attempt to perform three main tasks
- Disputes should have the ability to be retracted if the transactions are settled.
5. Discreet payment schedule for settlement
Goal: Users want to know when they are going to be paid back. It's simple to remember that you have a monthly credit card bill you pay every month; what settling what you owe other people emulated a similar schedule?
- Determine fixed time intervals for which to "close" a statement/transaction period and inform users of due payment
- (Potentially) Allow users to dynamically decide the length of the statement/transaction period before closing
- Inform all users involved when a statement period is closed and settlement payment is due.