View instructors for shift
Goal: A staff member wants to view the instructors scheduled for a given shift.
- Select shift
- Display instructors in printable format
- Several times per day
Track Instructors’ attendance
Goal: An administrator wants to manage an instructor's attendance.
- Select instructor
- Display shifts instructor is scheduled for, shifts the instructor was excused from, and shifts the instructor has missed
- Mark a shift as missed or excused
- Any shift can be marked as excused
- Only previous/current shifts can be marked as missed
- Several times per day
Track clinic hours
Goal: An instructor wants to enter hours for clinics, view the requirements fulfilled, and request and approve requests for clinic hours.
- Clinic instructor enters hours and if the clinic fulfilled a requirement
- View current hours/requirements fulfilled
- Request clinic hours
- Approve requests for clinic hours
- Several times per day
Post announcements and outside links
Goal: An administrator wants to post announcements and/or outside links for the staff.
- Post announcement
- Announcement is emailed out to instructors who have opted in to receive announcements by email too
- Announcement is viewed
- Post outside link with description
- View outside link