- Goal: Invite people to read a specific cause
- Precondition(s):
- Users have to have the cause open
- Cause must already be setup by an interest group
- Subtasks:
- Invite specific person or all contacts from phone
- Share information about cause to contacts or friends
- What can go wrong:
- Invitee does not exist
- User has no list of friends to invite
- What are its time or resource constraints:
- You can invite a person once a day
- Goal: Pledge any amount of money to a charity
- Precondition(s):
- Need to be in a specific cause
- Have a billing account information
- Must donate to a cause already set up
- Subtasks:
- Pick a specific cause of the charity
- Enter the amount of donation
- Enter billing information, if not stored
- What can go wrong:
- Billing information is incorrect
- Pledge amount is invalid
- What are its time or resource constraints:
- Can only donate to one cause/charity at a time
- Goal: Find a cause that fits your interests
- Precondition(s):
- Causes that are looking for a donation have a page set up
- Relevant causes must be displayed in a list/easy to read format
- Causes must have a relevant name or description to distinguish them
- Causes displayed must be valid and current
- Subtasks:
- Search by title or keyword
- Search by description
- Filter results
- Bookmark favorites
- What can go wrong:
- Search engine is really bad and user can’t find what they’re looking for
- User finds and tries to donate to a cause that isn’t looking for donations/doesn’t exist anymore
- What are its time or resource constraints:
- Can only search one thing at a time
- Takes a bit of time to search through all entries
Set up a profile
- Goal: Describe yourself, put in preferences, and save searches
- Precondition(s):
- User is a frequent visitor
- Subtasks:
- Create username and password
- Sign in and out
- Add text description
- Put up profile picture
- Save favorite charities
- Save keywords to get notification of new charities that match keyword
- Enter ‘About Me’ and ‘Preferences’
- Set up automatic monthly donations
- How the task is learned learned:
- Directions on the application (a button that says ‘Sign In’ or ‘Register’, a line saying ‘type in description’)
- Past experience
- What can go wrong:
- User forgets username and/or password
- User forgets to cancel monthly donations
- What are its time or resource constraints:
- Takes time to make profile
- Each user can only set up one profile
- Takes time to sign in and out