- Might have a car only intermittently (husband usually drives into the wharf to take the ferry in.)
- Not certain which stores have things, so will check something closer
- before visiting something farther.
- Is parking availiable? also quantity and size of parking spaces.
- Some errands are flexible: can do them at really any time and possibly drop.
- she can have issues driving at night and doesn't like driving in inclement weather.
- Even for things where she can drop stuff off, prefers to do that when it is open.
- For picking up something from a pharmacy, she'd call ahead of time.
note from Andrew: when taking someone on a date, always call ahead of
time to make sure that the place exists.
- She would do grocery shopping later because foodis perishable. This
- is weather dependent: Is it cold?
- Are things being bought in bulk
- or not.
- Is the neighborhood safe? If not, goods are also likely lower quality
She'd been meaning to see if she should actually switch to a differentroutedifferent route, so I asked her to let me watch her do that. to do so, sheactually she actually wanted to use a paper map (because she would usually do this inthe in the car mid-trip. Perhaps that means we should do this for mobiledevicesmobile devices?), and she traced outher out her route on that, (also explaining about the trip she would take to runerrandsrun errands) but did not actually determine which route she wouldprefer would prefer and said that she'd look that up on the computer later.