User 3: Undergraduate Junior at MIT, who stays at MIT during her summers.
Denise is a 20-year old MIT junior majoring in Chemical Engineering. She enjoys meeting new people and generally having a good time.
- Information Security: Privacy is very important to Denise. She wants to meet other MIT students, and maybe friends of friends, but not random people. She doesn't want her information to be readily available to just anyone on the street.
*User 4: Staff in the MIT Alumni Association
Emily is in her forties and works in the MIT Alumni Association. Her job involves expanding the presence of MIT's alumni network.
- Means of Communication: Emily communicates with MIT alumni and current MIT students mostly via email. She notes that her messages are often times ignored, sometimes because her emails are too long, and sometimes because her target audience is not specific enough. When asked whether she would use a tool that can generate a list of MIT affiliates organized by geographic proximity, she said yes. She indicates that she can organize events for alumni and current students located in a certain geographic area. She emphasized that the tool must be able to send succinct messages and target specific groups. That is, it must have filtering capabilities.
- Information Security: For Emily, privacy is very important. She wants to organize events only for MIT affiliates.
Task Analysis
1. Registration and Joining a Group
Goal: Create a profile on TravelTech and automatically join the MIT network.