Group Members
Wesam Manassra
Arun Saigal
Gordon Wintrob
Problem Statement
IvyPlusResumes lets students manage their range of educational, professional, and personal experiences and generate polished resumes. Beyond the formatting of a quality resume, college undergraduates dislike the hassle of maintaining a set of different versions for specific companies. Moreover, they are often uncertain about how to best describe and organize their experience during the job search. IvyPlusResumes serves as a tool for students to build resumes and present themselves more effectively to future employers.
GR1 Analysis
User Analysis
Wiki Markup |
IvyPlusResumes has two user classes: students who are building their resumes and recruiters who are looking to connect with the students. \[Describe student user class\] Recruiters are the other user group we envision for IvyPlusResumes. Recruiters would like to see everyone at a school and determine whether or not they would like them for the job. Until that happens, recruiters cannot be completely sure that they have, in fact, got the best people for the job possible. We would like to make a database whereby recruiters would be able to easily access and filter through resumes of students and decide which resumes they are interested in. Task Analysis |
The few errors that can be made are related to the filtering criteria which the recruiter inputs, and reentering the criteria (which should take a few seconds) will be the time lost when correcting the mistake.
Note on Major Competition:
We are aware that LinkedIn does things similar to what we do, and we were concerned that we may be trying to do something that others like LinkedIn have already done. We were pleased to hear that multiple recruiters said that they do not use LinkedIn much, because LinkedIn is a professional network for those who are often a bit advanced in their careers. People who are applying to entry level jobs right out of college (where recruiters spend most of their time recruiting), people often do not have that much experience, so they are not on LinkedIn, or if they are, their profiles are not that attractive, due to their lack of experience. Also, there is a lot of other things on LinkedIn, and all these recruiters are looking for is the ability to view resumes. Hence, recruiters said that a system that lets them look at resumes and easily filter through these resumes would be something of great value to them, and they would be happy to pay to use the website.
Similarly, a few freshmen and sophomores said that they wanted a resume builder and that they did not like the UI of most resume builders, and did not want to use LinkedIn because they were not “experienced enough to look good on LinkedIn,” as one freshman said.