GR1 - Suggestible
Group Members
Keith Phox (mphox)
Cristina Lozano (clozano)
Will Whitney (wwhitney)
Problem Statement
College students often have trouble deciding what to do. We want to make an app that uses the power of suggestion to help a person decide how to spend their free time based on day of the week, time of day, and previous responses. The application will start by selecting options from multiple categories randomly or the user can specify a type of activity they are looking for and the suggestions will be filtered to fit that type.
User Analysis
College age people
20-30 year olds
Urban/metropolitan areas
Smartphone users, but not necessarily super tech-savvy
Have enough mobility and leisure time to go to the places that we recommend
Use Cases
Bored or indecisive people looking for something to do*
- Don’t have specific requirements, just want to
- do something
- May flip through several options
Adventurous people looking for something new to do*
- Knows what type of activity they are looking for (food, places to go, or movies to watch etc...), would use filtering options
- Tired of doing the same thing all the time and wants to find out what else is out there
- Want suggestions of new things that are similar to old things they have done and liked
Groups of people looking that can’t agree on something*
- Looking for a specific category of activity, e.g. a restaurant
- Want a decision from a neutral party that will be satisfactory (the recommended restaurant should be close by and well-rated)
- Want to be able to quickly veto options and get new suggestions (since most groups can quickly identify options that they don’t like)
Lessons Learned from Interviews
User 1: Bored college student
Some people are really open to suggestions and have few restrictions
Had spent too much time on Reddit and just needed an idea for what to do
Was willing to go somewhere or stay in his room
User 2: Indecisive college student
Often wants food and has no idea what to make herself or order
Wants to leave her dorm and do something but can’t decide where to go
Wants the motivation of a good suggestion to get her to do something
Is indecisive, but still knows there are some things she will never want to do so she would want a permanent veto option.
Wants options tailored to the weather because she does know she wouldn’t want to go very far in the rain or cold.
User 3: Decisive college student, bad with group decisions
Is sometimes out wandering around with a group of people and wants to quickly find somewhere to eat or somewhere to go nearby
Gets fed up of their indecisive friends who can never agree on anything and has run out of suggestions of things they might like to do
User 4: College student looking for something new to do
Tends to go out a lot and try new things
Already knows of a variety of options to do at any given time but would like some new and interesting suggestions
Looking for new types of food to eat (either specific recipes or different types of ethnic restaurants)
Would like to have some options of free (or cheap) things to do
User 5: College student looking for personalized suggestions
Had a few types of things she liked to do
Widely varied interests, but picky about her choices
Would need a highly personalized, tailored suggestion system
Was interested in a social component with friends helping decide what to do
Task Analysis
Browsing without filtering*
- Open up the app and immediately start examining options
- Won’t use filtering options (wants suggestions from any category)
- Will probably choose something quickly
- Needs limited personalization
- Must show value quickly (good default suggestions)
Searching with filtering and personalization*
- Will select areas of interest from filters
- Willing to take additional steps for better personalization
- No time constraints because user is more committed
Finding out how to do a particular activity*
- Once the person has found an activity of idea that they like, they will click to find out how to accomplish their goal
- Get linked to other websites with instructions (ie. recipes, directions, movie or book download)
- More time constraints. Now that the user has finally settled on an activity they want to get started immediately.