things taken into account:
User 3: The Novice Traveler, "Kevin"
- Age/Gender: 22/Male
- Education: Just graduated from a 4 year university
- Culture: American
- Language: English
- Computer experience: uses a smartphone, basic Windows experience
- Motivation: Planning a vacation
- Domain experience: No previous experience in planning trips
- Users might be unfamiliar with the city
- Users might be unfamiliar with the local language and culture
- Some schedules might need to span more than one day
- Not all desired locations needed to be visited. It is perfectly acceptable to omit some attractions, as long as they are not the main attraction.
Task Analysis
- Input destinations
- Goal: Allow the user to input destinations to visit
- Preconditions:
- Determined locations to visit
- Pre-loaded constraint information about destination like hours of operations, lunch break, expected time for visit
- Subtasks:
- Auto-complete/correct destination names
- Add/edit constraints for destinations
- Goal: Modify constraints for destinations such as:
- best time to visit
- appointment times
- known duration of visit
- "visit this destination first" and other similar constraints
- Preconditions:
- Know what time appointments are scheduled for
- Have an estimate of the amount of time that needs to be spent at each destination
- Subtasks:
- Add “global constraints” such as:
- Between what times these destinations need to be visited
- Partial orderings of destinations ("I want to visit the post office right after I buy stamps at the paper store")
- What type of transportation (car, public transit, walking) is preferred
- Add “global constraints” such as:
- Goal: Modify constraints for destinations such as:
- Auto-generate schedule
- Goal: Using the destinations and constraints inputted by the user, create a schedule to visit all the destinations that meets all the constraints
- Preconditions:
- All those listed under the "Input destinations" task
- Subtasks:
- Display the generated schedule both overlayed on a map on and a timeline
- Display the optimal path between locations on a map
- Show the user the delta between the auto-generated schedule and any partial schedule that the user had previously worked out, so that the user can choose to accept or decline some or all of the changes
- View and Adjust schedule
- Goal: change and tweak any part of the schedule including the order of destinations, duration of visit, path to take between destinations...
- Preconditions:
- Subtasks: