5. Profile to Publish Information
Goal: Each user will have a profile page, where his/her personal information will be displayed to other members of the group The goal is for the user to submit or change their personal information displayed on his/her profile and maintained in the database.
Preconditions: The user must be logged in with an MIT certificate.
Subtasks: Click the "my profile" button, click the "edit my profile" button, change any of the fields by clicking the field and using the keyboard (name, age, year, major, phone number, address, summer plans), click the "save changes" button.
Exceptions: If the user enters the wrong information, the user can click the “edit my profile” button again and redo the process.
6. Viewing the Map
Goal: Each user will The goal is for the user to be able to view a map, which will display .an interactive map that displays locations of other students
Preconditions: The user must be logged in with an MIT certificate.
Subtasks: Click the "view map" button from any page, click and drag the mouse / scroll wheel to move the map and zoom, respectively. Different users travel plans will be displayed on the map.
Exceptions: If no other users have inputted travel plans, the user may think that the feature is broken.
7. Searching for Schedule Overlap
Goal: Users will The goal is for the user to be able to find other users in the group that have matching schedules.who has overlap with his/her schedule and where/when that overlap is
Preconditions: User The user must be logged in with an MIT certificate and must have already previously inputted his/her summer plans.
Subtasks: Click the “view schedules” button and a new page will open with each location in the user’s travel plan represented with an expandable tab. The user can click to open each location in the trip and see other students planning to be in that same location at the same time.