- Female, 22 years old, Chinese American, originated from Northern California
- First year of graduate school at MIT
- She can't fly, incredibly short (<5 feet)
- Highly computer literate, owns and is familiar with a Samsung Galaxy S
- Is highly addicted to the show Sherlock and collects many paraphernalia surrounding it
- Currently organizes collection with pictures in a computer file folder
- PROS: visually interesting
- CONS: not easily indexable and searchable, cannot be transported easily
User sample #3:
- Female, 22 years old, Chinese American, originated from Northern California
- First year of graduate school at MIT
- She can't fly, incredibly short (<5 feet)
- Highly computer literate, owns and is familiar with a Samsung Galaxy S
- Is highly addicted to the show Sherlock and collects many paraphernalia surrounding it
- Currently organizes collection with pictures in a computer file folder
- PROS: visually interesting
- CONS: not easily indexable and searchable, cannot be transported easily
Tasks Analysis
Task #1:
Task #2:
Task #3: