- Demographics
- MIT Students, age 16-23.
- Computer literate, English speaking
- Searchers
- Primary Intent
- Discover different HASS classes.
- Find HASS classes that have certain desirable characteristics (ie, small amounts of writing required).
- Expectations
- Site should be easy to navigate.
- Site should be secure and anonymous
- Site should have reliable information
- Characteristics
- Does not want to spend a large amount of time sifting through MIT Subject Evaluation pages.
- Short attention span.
- Want to be served both TLDRs and longer descriptions if necessary.
- Anecdotes
- Primary Intent
- Informers
- Primary Intent
- Share information with people that they might not know
- Prevent students from falling into pitfall HASS classes
- Expectations
- Should be very easy to submit information
- Site should be secure and anonymous
- Characteristics
- Angry people who had a bad experience
- People who had an above and beyond experience
- People who liked the professor, but may not have like the class
- Primary Intent