Jimmy: the ski school director
Jimmy is the director of the ski school. He is comfortable using a computer, but does not have any experience in web development. Jimmy needs a way to monitor how many instructors he has scheduled for each shift and to track if instructors are missing their shifts. He would like a way for instructors to request a schedule change directly from the supervisor of the shift they are requesting to change and would like a copy of the request to go to the central supervisor email address. He does not like having to make the changes to schedules himself and would prefer that the request go through the supervisor of the shift. If the instructor is making a change near the time of their shift, he would like the computer to block the request and direct the instructor to call the appropriate supervisor, since often supervisors may not check their email before heading out onto the snow if it is a last minute change. He would also like to track how many clinic hours instructors have and whether or not they have taken certain required clinics. Additionally, it would be helpful if instructors could submit requests for clinic hours that they got outside the ski area or that didn’t make it onto the sign-up sheet. He would also like an interface that would allow him to post announcements and links to training materials for his instructors without having to directly edit html code.
- Instructors can’t enter/edit their schedules
- He has no way to track how many shifts instructors have missed (either excused or unexcused). He would like a way to see how often instructors are being excused from shifts.
- He has no way to track what required clinics instructors have taken so he uses an excel spreadsheet, which instructors can’t view. Furthermore, clinic hours are sometimes missed since there is no easy way for instructors to request missed hours and he has to personally try to keep track of clinic hours taken outside the area (ex. exams taken through the Professional Ski Instructors Association)
- An easy way to post announcements and outside links