- Create a tournament
- Update the tournament
- View your tournament(s)
- Searching for and Joining tournament(s)
- Manage a tournament
| Create |
a Tournament | Searching/Joining a Tournament | Updating a Tournament | Managing a Tournament | Viewing a Tournament |
Goal | To create a new tournament among friends & create a new bracket. |
- type of tournament
- on website
Frequency of use:
- once
How Learned:
- by experimenting
Possible Errors:
- non-unique name
Update the tournament:
Goal: When a match has been completed the player need to update the scoreboard
- tournament name
- score
- which game/match
- on website
Frequency of use:
- multiple times a day
Time Constraints:
- within the time-frame of the tournament
How Learned: - by doing or by watching others
Possible Errors:
- update wrong game
- update the wrong score
Who Else is Involved:
- opponent
Searching for and Joining tournament(s):
Goal: To join an existing tournament.
- tournament name
- if tournament is joinable
- on website
Frequency of use:
- once per tournament
Time Constraints: - within the time-frame of the tournament
How Learned: - by doing or by watching others
Possible Errors:
- wrong tournament name
- not permitted to join
Who Else is Involved:
- nobody else
View your tournament:
Goal: To assess the state of the tournament
- view leaderboard
- view scoreboard
- view current bracket
- view any notifications
- tournament name
Frequency of use:
- multiple times per day
How Learned: - by doing or by watching others
Possible Errors:
- view wrong tournament
Who Else is Involved:
- nobody else
Manage a tournament:
Goal: To ensure the tournament continues in a timely manner.
- desired change
Frequency of use:
- as many as needed
How Learned: - by doing or by watching others
Time scale:
- within the scope of the tournament
Possible Errors: - change the wrong feature
- change the wrong tournament
Who Else is Involved:
To join an existing tournament | Updating the score after a match
| To ensure the tournament continues in a timely manner
| To assess state of the tournament:
| ||
Preconditions | Type of tournament | Tournament name; If tournament in "joining" stage | Tournament name; which game/match; Score | Desire change | Tournament name; |
Location | On website | On website | On website | On website | On website |
Frequency of Use | Once per tournament | Once per tournament | Multiple times per day | As many as needed; many times a day | As many as needed; many times a day |
How Learned | By doing or watching | By doing or watching | By doing or watching | By doing or watching | By doing or watching |
Possible Errors | Non-Unique tournament name | Wrong tournament name; Missed "joining" period | Updating wrong game or score | Updating wrong feature or game | Being a dumbass |
Time Constraints | None | Within "joining" period | Within scope of tournament | Within the scope of tournament | None |
Who Else Involved | None | None | Opponent | None | None |