User 2:
- In his 50's.
- Some experience using desktop computers.
- Has an iPhone, not an Android device.
- Uses electricity for heating, A/C, lights, washer, TV, oven, computer.
- Some domain knowledge of smart grid.
- A list of commonly used electrical appliances, each having its own default settings.
- For example, controls the setpoint of air conditioners and fridges. Turns washers on or off.
- The user should be able to change the default settings.
- The ability to buy and sell power.
- Uses the relative costs to determine if an appliance should be on or off.
- Maintenance free.
- Doesn't like passwords.
- View energy consumption patterns.
- Control appliances remotely, from outside (turn on and off).
User 3: business owner interested in minimizing energy consumption of office and manufacturing plant