Group Members
- Andrew Sugaya,
- Evan Iwerks,
- Elisabeth Morant,
- TA:
Problem Statement
GR1 - Task Analysis
User Analysis
Age: 13 - 35
Gender: N/A
Education: English literate
The indecisive:
The deciders:
Task Analysis
How often do you ask others to help make your decisions? (e.g. movies, activities, restaurants). How do you ask?
How often do you get asked to help others make decisions? How do they ask you?
High Level Tasks:
1) Ask for help deciding between two things for some reason.
Scenario 1: You are choosing between two shoes to buy. How do you choose?
Scenario 2: Friend Stranger asks should I buy a Nook or a Kindlewatch Star Wars IV or Lord of the Rings I. Do you help them? If If so, how? If not, why not?Scenario 3: Stranger asks should I watch Star Wars IV or Lord of the Rings I
2) Help someone decide by voting on which they believe is better/solves a problem.
Scenario 1: Friend asks should I buy a Nook or a Kindle. Do you help them? If If so, how? If not, why not?
3) Learn through observing what others are comparing things to.
Scenario 1: You already know you like Game of Thrones, and you see that someone is comparing it to LOTR. Does that increase your desire to learn about LOTR?
Scenario 2: You want to find more games like Angry Birds. What do you do?