- CAC spaces --- large event spaces (including La Sala). Those are reserved through CAC EMS (http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/virtualems/login.aspx) (as are DAPER (athletic) spaces). Generally speaking, CAC EMS will tell you actual availability and if you reserve the room online you have it. You need to know the username and password to use that system, but in practice you do *not* need to be on the reservation signatories list in the ASA DB (I think).
- Schedules spaces --- most classrooms. Those are reserved through http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/registrar/classrooms/reserve/index.html. You can't see what rooms are available on that site, There's no username or password for that system; instead, Schedules will actually check the ASA DB for authorization (at least, in theory, and I've seen a couple emails that suggest that they do in practice too).