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Layout Descriptions


  • Wiki Markup
    Email Lead
    PIs for a single proposal or a found set
     PIs \[ see [manuals:General FMP Information] - Email Tool \]
  • Manage a proposal's investigator list, including add/edit/delete
  • View budget (90-4) information for a proposal, including edit/delete. New budget worksheets must only be added to a proposal via the proposal submission interfaces.
  • View uploaded proposal files, including the proposal narrative
  • Delete pre-proposal, using the 'Delete Proposal' button. This deletes all data and files related exclusively to this proposal. Investigators are un-related from this proposal, but not deleted from the system entirely.
  • Click 'Preview Coverpage' to see what the coverpage will look like for a particular proposal. Its layout depends upon the upper limit of accepted detailed investigator records ($pp_PI_limit; see Global Variables). If this parameter is set to 0 or >2, the 'ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS' list will appear below the Principal and Associate Investigator text boxes, and include additional detailed investigator records. The 'OTHER PERSONNEL' list appears last, and includes even less-detailed investigator information.


  • This table includes investigators added either via registration or at the Investigators proposal submission step, including detailed contact information and a CV / resume. CV / resumes may be added, updated, and deleted here as well.
  • Investigators who registered as PIs automatically have a password; passwords may be applied to other investigators by simply typing one in to the box.
  • Access Type doesn't do anything at this time. Send Email tool needs to be added to this interface.


  • Wiki Markup
    PIs add budget worksheets to their proposals, and data from these worksheets are compiled in RFP FMP to create 90-4 forms.  The Budgets section of RFP FMP offers 90-4s for browsing by default, but worksheets driving each 90-4 are accessible at top-right. Budget justification (optional in the pre-proposal phase) is editable via the 'Edit' button below the 90-4. New budget worksheets may be added in FMP, but may only be edited via the proposal submission interfaces. \[ see [Budget Management in FMP] \]